This time of year, many of us are making resolutions that we’re super excited about … but we’ll probably abandon by February. Certified relationship and life coach Apollonia Ponti has expert strategies to help you see your resolutions through, including how to spot relationship red flags and the two questions you must ask before launching a business.

4:45 – Why setting a clear vision is the first step toward achieving a resolution.
7:10 – Two questions you must answer before launching a business in the new year.
11:00 – What is “relationship accountability” and why is it crucial to helping you find the right mate?
15:20 – How your brain’s “green, red, and yellow” levels shape our behavior and can lead to self-sabotage.
18:20 – If you’re ready to get married, here are the key steps you need to implement.
20:40 – Why feeling genuinely positive is so beneficial for you, and crucial to attracting the right people and the right energy.
24:15 – How you can reach out to Apollonia for relationship and life coaching.